Instinctive Notes includes a substantial number of standard tests which can be recorded during your consultations.

If you perform a standard set of tests during your consultation you can cut down the noise and set test favourites which will provide a cut down list for recording test results.

Choosing test favourites

From the main screen tap the "More" tab. Then tap your "Name" at the top of the screen (see Set up your Instinctive Notes app for a walk through).

Finally tap the "Selected Test Favourites?" setting.

Simply uncheck each test, on the right side of the screen, if you do not want to see it in your test favourites.

Once set, return to the main settings screen and remember to hit "Save" at the top right. 

Your favourites will now appear in the "Favourites" tab while recording your tests.

If there is a test that isn't in your favourites that you need to record, it's easy to tap straight over to the "All" list which has every test we have available.

Other Settings

Now that test favourites are set up you can check out the other App settings.